

Albie & Elizabeta: Team Leaders 

GDI Team Elite,

Prosperity Marketing System

& Power Lead System


.Hi Team

 “Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don’t fail overnight.
Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day."


Jim Rohn


See Important Video Now!


This Week: 

Earning While Sharing What You Love: 

Here’s some pictures of our city Hall in Pasadena Ca. It’s buiit with the same
design as St Paul’s in London England (which by the way, I’ve been to many times).
I especially remember St. Pauls because it’s inside of Disney’s Mary Poppins. Haha. 

As you can see I enjoy going to our City Hall in Pasadena because it’s really
a lovely place and because it reminds me of other beautiful places I’ve been in my life. 

I’ve been going there on and off for months now and I always find a new spot
that fascinates me to take a picture of. 

I hope someday you will have a chance to see it also and maybe even it’s
brother and sister sites throughout the world that  are built with the same plans 


Anyway, I wanted to share with you this week about earning while sharing what you love.
As you can see I love to travel and find a lot of happiness and excitement going to
new places - especially with my lovely wife Janette. 


Honestly it’s not easy to figure out how to earn while sharing what you love
and I had a hard time of it for many years.
The two tips I can give you are: 
Being consistent at sharing what you love with others every day is vital.

Once you stop doing it, you lose momentum and stop looking for answers.
Even if you only share with people for a few moments every day, it’s the
that counts above everything else. Jim Rohn has a quote
that goes like this: 
Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event.
You don’t fail overnight. Instead, 
failure is afew errors in judgment,
repeated every day.”

All the answers to doing it successfully are out there and Elizabeta
and I are here to help you too. We actively coach and mentor others to learn
how to earn 
consistently online. You can see more details about it here:
Let’s talk soon! 

In the last two weeks we had 16 subscribers.
e had 15 people responded back to us, 9 person emailed us back and signed up in GDI.
In PMS we had sign ups and in PLS we had 0 sign ups. ?? 


GDI Team Elite – 1

Prosperity Marketing System – 1

Power Lead System – 0

To become a team leader and get your six, you have to be getting 1000 hits
or more and going through the training.
 For Team leader you must be past Step Seven. 

Great work Team! Congrats to our newest members: Albert (PMS) & Jini (PMS).


Congrats to:

Congrats to myself for highest hits of  3,124
Congrats to Jim Swank who came in second with 911,
Congrats to Mathias for third highest hits of  
900 ??


Don’t forget that you must get over 1000 hits a week and be working on the Sixteen Steps
in order to qualify to get members under you. 

Thanks to everyone for there hits!
You all make it happen!


  Keep working on the Sixteen Steps and keep up your 1000 hits.
You WILL become a team leader if you do.



Here are the hit counts from  February 26th – March 6th for
all those who are generating hits.

If you meet the weekly requirement of getting at least 1000 hits
using your team link, you will get your 6 over the course of time”. 

. We would prefer you get hits from safelists sites because we have
documented evidence that we are getting sighnups from Safelists.

This is NOT true for TE’s. Although some Text Exchange (TE) sites
may get our name out there and may have some use as far as “branding”
(The list of TE’s inside TE Profits are better) we would suggest you use your time wisely.
SOME TE’s are a complete waste of time and money

.Please see the GDI TE guidelines about this at


.The key is to advertise particularly in safelist sites,
everywhere you possibly can.

All those in my group even with zero counts will still get the team emails
as always and the stats will be reset every Saturday afternoon Pacific time.

GDI User Names Listed Below:

(everyone with 0 hits not showing)

7albie – 3,124

lyncoulter – 

Torab8 – 436

sailorob – 35

BearpawGeneral – 5

wairoa1 – 40

monax1 – 1

michealpett – 

best4u – 

bluskye – 9

Colake02 – 2

successunlimited2019 – 

reidburnz72 – 

jcesero – 

Onlinewealth (Douglas) – 3

Knightz2 – 24

TheGem – 4

rodneycolemanonline – 

angler625 – 

Onlinewealth (Duncan) – 3

Dakesgdi1 – 

bruce1615 – 3

karenjw2020 – 

Lorenzo nkouedjo – 

wmyrral – 

Shane197336 – 

WinningwithDan – 

tupuivaolavemauga51 –

Goodwin35 – 650

Muluhia – 1

matsonline – 900

moneyadvisor – 19

mlewis1236 – 29

tambudzai – 

kennysbiz88 –

Jim Swank - 911

Cryptomonster - 10


This Week’s


last week: 10,856

3 wks back: 18,824 

4 weeks back 12,362 

8 weeks back: 25,331

(Third highest Score!)

9 weeks back: 15,123

10 weeks back: 26,187

(Second Highest Score!)

22 weeks back: 29,989 

(highest score ever!!)



You might be interested to see

Albie’s blogs!

Like Sailing? 



Love travel like we do?


Our blog



“The most important things in life are not “things”.



You can email us if you have any questions at the email below: 


Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692